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Me - At a glance

Hey, My names Crystal.

I’m 20 years old, living in Victoria, Australia and am pretty much just taking life day by day on this journey of life. I’m passionate about so many topics, and really do believe my purpose in this world is to help other people realise their potential, to be more carefree, and fall in love with being yourself.

I’m currently about to start studying a Bachelor of Psychological Science, am dabbling in a few start-up businesses to see what else I like doing and am passionate about!I've been unemployed for the last month, but currently starting in helping youth with disabilities and am so excited because I feel like its definitely along the lines of doing something I am so passionate about. I love all things art, dancing, creativity, music, the beach, manifestations, crystals, tarot cards, signs from the universe, loving, laughing, cooking, breathing, and doing just about anything else that involves food (especially cheese platters and chocolate – (also pretending I’m not lactose intolerant then sooking later about it)) – I’ll be at.

Wanting to start this blog has been such a long time coming for me. My main focus and passion for starting this blog is for many reasons. I have always loved creative writing for as long as I can remember, and I feel like once I know I am passionate about a topic, I can ramble on for days about it. (Just ask my boyfriend) So in saying that, I really want this to be creative space and outlet for me, to share my thoughts, views, feelings and opinions on things that are important to me.

I also want to be able to use this space to inspire people. I feel like my brain is constantly ticking over. If my mind had a running visual dialogue right next to me, you’d probably stand back and wonder how it’s possible for so many things to be going on in your brain at once.

I am always thinking of businesses I can start, ways I can inspire people to reach their full potential, or just to create a sense of awareness about being open minded, kind and loving to everyone. If anything, I feel people sometimes seem concerned for me, as I have been so lost and unsure about what I want in life. But I've learnt to look at life in that we are all on different paths, and while someone figuring out that they love a career path so passionately at 18, and going to university to pursue that, doesn't mean you have to be doing the same.

In the last 3 years, I have grown so much as a person, and learnt so much about myself and who I am. Your world after school is a whole new experience, and while ‘adulthood’ (still trying to figure out the starting of date of when I’ll become an actual adult) can at times feel like you are stuck in this black hole, and this quarter life crisis might just be the end, it can be so damn good when you start to love yourself, and everything that comes your way in life.

3 of the most important things to me right now is trying to be optimistic in every situation, loving every bit of myself, and manifesting the hell out of all that I want to come into my life.

I feel like the energy we put out into the world, is the energy that we will receive back 10 thousand times over. SO in other words, if you are going to be kind to people without expecting anything, and you radiate that positive energy and love out into the world, you’ll get just as much of that back, if not more, and I promise you’ll feel on top of the world for it.

To wrap this up for now, I really am so excited to share my current projects and thoughts with you all! I know this blog won’t be for everyone, but if I can at least help some people to realise the goodness that can come out of being more positive, manifesting our goals and dreams, and just spreading love and our ideas around then part of my job will be done. I really want to be able to create a community that values these ideas and thoughts so deeply, that it may even form connections through people, or help people in their personal lives with something they might be dealing with.

Heaps of love guys and gals,

Talk soon

Crystal xxxx

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