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It's time to have a life check in...

Its crazy. The anxiety and fear being riddled into us, and the TP crisis, blah blah blah. You know what I'm on about.

Its really got me thinking the last few days, and how we really all quite quickly forget how good we have this life until we are losing it, or have lost it.

Food. Water. Electricity. Our loved ones. Shelter. More possibilites than generations ever before all thanks to technology.

Some of the most basic necessities in life, yet the majority of us are slaving away, waiting for the next materialistic bullshit iphone or tv we can. Stop.

Something I have really reflected on this past week is how important it is that we all remember to slow down. Unless your a self-diagnosed 'self help junkie' like me, you probably alot of the time dont really check in on your goals constantly or where you want to be heading in life. Right now in amongst all this crazy, start to really assess and ask yourself whether you are living a life within in your values. Spend more time with your family. But really be present. Not on your phone while you sit with your daughter, mother or father. Really get to know them and ask each other interesting questions.

Work on your relationship. Actually communicate and grow together.

Don't get complacent with routines of day to day life.

Work isn't everything. Find other ways to make income. If you aren't happy with your job, fill your soul with something that lights you up.

Plan and envision the biggest goals you want for your life, and how they will impact your life - not just the materialistic things to show off to other people that will make you feel good for 10 seconds.

Reassess the most important values to you right now in your life.

Is what you are doing now, in line with where you see yourself living your best life in 10 years?

Where does your idea of your 'best life' come from? Is it a constructed idea of society's expectations? Is it thoughts of what your parents would want your life to look like? Really question it.

Dont fear death because if you are living out your full potential everyday, there should be no need to.

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