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Taking Action

I need to seriously stop going so M.I.A but today I woke at 5am and vowed it was time to get my shit together and start those early mornings as other successful people do to get my day STARTED and run my for my goals.  I am currently reading "The Success Principles: How to get from where you are, to where you want to be" by Jack Canfield, and wow is there some knowledge in there. I am about 40 pages in, and the book actually looks like a school text book when the teacher tells you to highlight the "important" parts, but if you can imagine me sitting there reading nodding my head at every single thing that is written, I hope it will start to give you just an indication of how much you can learn from this book. I honestly believe its the book that is about to shake up my whole world. Pairing that with my podcast with Danielle Stephens yesterday, and somehow I was up at 5am this morning ready to take on the world and get to work on the next big things coming up in my world. If you came to this blog, hopefully wanting to get some insight on how to find that "motivation" to do something within your life, please realise right now, that I actually can't do anything for you. Up until this point in your life, you have made decisions, whether they were intentional or not, to get you to the point you are now. So whether that means that today you'll spend 3 hours on your phone, thinking you don't have time for the gym, or worrying that you aren't able to achieve the goal of one day pursuing your passion, realise that every action you take is creating your tomorrow for you, and that if you aren't believing and telling yourself that something won't happen, it probably won't. The belief you install within yourself is so powerful, and I wish more people would start waking up and realising this. For instance, imagine tomorrow you decided you wanted to move across the country, YOU COULD ACTUALLY DO THAT. Or you wanted to book a trip to travel overseas, YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO THAT. But if you're one of those people that immediately starts to create excuses like "I don't have the money" or thinking it would be ridiculous to do something so spontaneously you probably won't do it. We love to put self limiting beliefs on ourselves and don't realise that we are actually in control of everything that happens to us. If you were the person that wanted to travel but don't currently have the money, get another job, make more money! Find more opportunities to figure out how its going to happen. Don't be the person that sits back and waits for a solution because I guarantee you that it won't just magically appear. Be the person that gets up and finds solutions, finds the way, and new opportunities because I guarantee that will still get you a hell of a lot further rather than the person that sits on the couch waiting for the motivation to workout. So what is that I've finally realised...LIFE IS ABOUT HAVING DAMN DISCIPLINE AND TAKING ACTION. You can want everything you could possibly dream of in the world, but without the discipline to take action, you won't actually get anywhere. Having a thought about something is great, but its just that, just a thought. Until you decide to start actively taking action, it will stay as an idea or thought and never progress further. Ask yourself, and write down today whats something that has been constantly playing on your mind and how can you start action to start moving towards that goal today?! Have the best day! Remember to smile at strangers, and don't be afraid of making human connection, something around you might really just need that today! 

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