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2019. - Choosing a career for ME

Hey it’s just me, not being able to sleep at 1am in the morning because I’m too excited about the next 50 ideas and dreams I want to pursue in my life. Tonight while drinking my fizz stick because I was craving something sweet I started listening to an interview with Rachel Hollis. Lately I’d heard other girls doing Arbonne talk about her, but I had no idea the impact this incredible woman was about to have on me.

She started talking about that maybe we were made the way we were for a reason. Maybe the things we are passionate about, is our gift to the world, and our reason to create a change using those tools we were given. It got me thinking, for so long I have already used all these tools along the way, I just never thought a career with what I wanted to do would ever be possible (more on that in another blog post) especially as I have to be constantly growing and evolving.

Tonight I want to share my story with you. This time last year, I currently was finishing up my time in hospitality and moving into becoming a residential disability carer. I was well and truly over hospitality, and was ready to move into something else to learn new skills, and hopefully try pinpoint that one ‘dream career passion’ we all thought we’d find.

Something I knew I had learnt from hospitality was that I LOVED talking to, helping and meeting new people, and I had to be constantly on the move and challenged. Having goals for myself on a shift made me so excited to smash them out as fast as I could. One of my biggest drives in my next job would be somewhere where I could add value to the lives of others, not serve coffee to snobby bitches that thought they were better than everyone else.

I remember in my interview and them saying ‘so do you think you are cut out for this job’, and I literally just felt like saying that’s why I'm here, to try something new, to grow a little more, and get out of my comfort zone. That comment had put so much doubt in me, but imagine had I let it stop me, and thought that I wasn’t capable because I didn’t have the skills, or what I was happy to tell myself was the emotional intelligence. If it was for me believing that comment, I wouldn’t have been able to help contribute to the amazing children I worked with.

At that point I was just excited to be starting something new, and so then picked up psych to start studying as I loved learning all about the human mind and development. At this current point in time, I still have university deferred now because while I loved studying the development, sitting as a psychologist all hours of the day isn’t the life I want to live by. I want to be out connecting with people, seeing everything in a positive light and contributing all the goodness that I have to give to the world.

Now I am currently staying at home with Gabe, and working my ass off in Arbonne because my main goal is to help other people have more opportunities in their life and grow as quick as I can. I want to show myself that I can be successful and I love constantly striving for this, being able to better myself every day. By joining this business, I have been able to run my business in my own way. I can create my own content, use it as a platform to inspire positivity and most important inspiring other people live to their full potential.

When I was introduced the business, I realised that I could either just try it out, and it could really work for me. Otherwise I could have left it, and stayed in the exact same position in my life, which really didn’t look all that satisfying to me.

To be honest, I was so bloody scared going into Arbonne. I was scared to be ‘that girl that sold stuff’, I was scared about what other people would think coming from a small town…but then it kind of hit me. I was failing myself if I didn’t take the opportunity. I have never been in a better place mentally because of Arbonne, and this year was perfect timing as I was emitting everything from my life that didn’t serve me, (including opinions of others). Funny though how no particular time would have ever been ‘right’, it was me deciding that if I didn’t take this opportunity right in front of me then, when was I going to start committing to creating a better me, and a better future. The fact that it gave me so many options and the chance to build my own path to success, while swapping products to become more aware of my health inside and out was perfect for me. The fact I got to choose when I put the work in, and that I can fast track it if I want (unlike uni or everyday textbook careers)

I remember a few years ago seeing a network marketing company and thinking that it was some weird cult kind of thing. But everyone was happy, everyone was reaching to achieve their full potential, everyone was supporting each other. Now I’ve finally realised, it’s not just starting your own business. It’s a whole community of like-minded people who get it, who want more in life and who have stopped giving a shit about living for others. Man, the support is second to none, and I’m so glad I’ve literally connected with girls that I wouldn’t have even met if it wasn’t for this business. My original idea was so far-fetched from what it actually is.

It has been so much more than I could have imagined. I feel a glow. I feel a love for everyone. I feel so happy within myself knowing that I couldn’t have made a better choice if I tried. I had nothing to lose…and everything to gain.

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