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9 Top Tips for Motivation

Hey you!

I’ve written up a little list on just some things I find to help me stay motivated. Please just don’t wait for motivation to come along magically, because it won’t. You have to realise that you have to make the decision to succeed and reach your goals if you want to, no one else can.

1. Write a to do list every morning

I love doing this along with my morning gratitude, and a cup of tea to sit down and relax. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many goals, because chances are you won’t get them all done. Be realistic.

2. Set time blocks on your phone for productivity

If I know I have a job to do, I try set a 20 minute timer with some music on and smash it out. This way you are being more productive in the time you have and just getting it done!

3. Turn your phone off/airplane mode until you complete your task

Scrolling can be one of the biggest distractions. You know you do it.

4. Get an accountability buddy

Having someone to keep you to your goals is so much easier believe me. Find someone who you know will motivate you back twice as hard, because you both want the outcome so bad.

5. Break down your goal

Starting big is just going to make you crash quicker. Write down your big dreams and goals, and then work backwards, figuring out how daily habits everyday can lead to the outcome you want.

6. Write up your goals to get motivated and stick them in places you will see.

Visualisation and the law of attraction are all important steps to believing you can even complete your goal. If your mum keeps telling you to take out the bins, you’re eventually going to get sick of hearing and take out the god damn bins. Same with your goals, if they’re in your face every day, you’re going to know what you’re working towards.

7. Realise you will fail and come across hurdles in life

Falling off the wagon is all a part of life, and so don’t get down on yourself for ‘failing’. For some reason, people seem to be scared of the word failure. Failure means you tried and if you keep on failing it means you keep getting back up and realising you are worthy enough to complete your goal. Look at what you did wrong last time, and fix it if it’s not working. Theres always different pathways.

8. Create a WHY on you want to complete certain goals

Write down WHY you want to be working toward that goal and make sure that it is important to you. What will you gain by completing it? How will you feel once it is done?


Ever been in one of those instances where you realise you’ve just wasted half an hour procrastinating and you could have already done that workout, or started that essay? Me too. The sooner you just get started the easier it will be once you get the momentum going. Ignore the excuses and just start small.

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